Barceló Tiran Sharm

‎0693710710 / +20693710710

بيانات الاتصال

رقم الهاتف: 0693710710
المالك و العنوان:
Barceló Tiran Sharm
Natural Reserve Sharm El Sheikh
المدينة: Sharm El Sheikh - مصر
المزيد من التفاصيل: Website
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انقر فوق الخريطة لتكبيرها

Barceló Tiran Sharm Hotel

Set on the shores of the Red Sea, this high-end beachfront hotel is 8 km from the Straits of Tiran and 13 km from Sharm El Sheikh International Airport.Polished rooms have flat-screen TVs, minibars and balconies, as well as safes, sofas, and tea and coffeemaking facilities. Upgraded rooms add sea views, and some offer private pools. Suites have in-room whirlpool tubs.A breakfast buffet and dinner are free. Posh dining choices include Mediterranean and seafood eateries.

ساعات العمل

M-Su 24hr
تقدير: إنه رقم هاتف تجاري

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